How do I mark student work on Grok?

Have you run an assignment, quiz, or exam using Grok, and need to assign marks to students? 

Marking in Grok can be done in several ways:

  1. Use Grok auto-marking and Grok points
  2. Use Grok auto-marking and your own scoring system
  3. Do your own marking of student code
  4. A combination of these!
    1. A combination where students are named
    2. A combination where students are anonymous

1. Use Grok auto-marking and Grok points

Using our automated marking is the simplest way to assign marks to your students using Grok! You can use our test cases to check for correctness, assign points to problems, and then simply download the student marks.

Before the assessment:
  1. Create your assessment (assignment, quiz, exam, etc).
  2. Set up test cases for each problem (including, if relevant, assignment test cases).
  3. Assign points to the assessment problems.

2. Use Grok auto-marking and your own scoring system

If you want to assign marks using a more complex points system (eg. assign 60% of the assignment mark to “did you pass at least 70% of the Grok test cases”), you can still use the automated Grok marker, and then assign points yourself. 

Before the assessment:
  1. Create your assessment (assignment, quiz, exam, etc).
  2. Set up test cases for each problem (including, if relevant, assignment test cases).
When you're ready to mark:
  1. Export student submissions for the course or coursemodule, whichever is relevant.
  2. Open the file called "passed-test-cases.csv". This contains a list of all your students; each problem they attempted; and a pass/fail for each test case.
  3. Use the pass/fail information from the test cases to calculate student marks. You could do this manually, or run a scoring script over the file. 

3. Do your own marking of student code

This option is recommended if:

  • you want to mark submissions using an offline automated script, and
  • you need to mark submissions anonymously.

The student submissions export already supports exporting the full student code & anonymising submissions. 

When you're ready to mark:
  1. Export student submissions for the course or coursemodule, whichever is relevant. 
  2. If you want to mark anonymously, open the folder called "anonymised". If you don't need to mark anonymously, then use the folder called "non-anonymised". This contains one folder per student, and each folder contains the code that was submitted for each problem by this student. 
  3. You can run these files against any marking script you choose, or open the files and mark them manually. It's up to you!
  4. If marking anonymously, use the "passed-test-cases.csv" file to map the hashed ID back to the student username. 

4a. Combination of your own and Grok marking

If you have used test cases, but also want to review the student submissions yourself and assign more nuanced marks, this option is for you!

The easiest way to do this is via the Tutor view, because it allows you to see the student code AND the test case results in one view. (Technically this information is available in the anonymised download, see above, but most people find it easier to do this via the Tutor interface.)

Before the assessment:
  1. Create your assessment (assignment, quiz, exam, etc).
  2. Set up test cases for each problem (including, if relevant, assignment test cases).
When you're ready to mark:
  1. Select a student to mark. From the main Grok page, go to Course -> Tutor Dashboard -> Group -> Student name. Click on the assessment module. 
  2. This opens the "red view" in Grok - you can see the student's learning interface exactly as they see it, except the top navigation bar is red instead of blue (to remind you that this is someone else's work). 
  3. Click through each problem and review the test case results and the submitted code. Assign points accordingly, using your judgement about the code quality and test case pass/fail information. 

4b. Combination of your own and Grok marking anonymously

This is is exactly the same marking process as above, but allows you to select & view the student submissions anonymously. 

Before the assessment:
  1. Create your assessment (assignment, quiz, exam, etc).
  2. Set up test cases for each problem (including, if relevant, assignment test cases).
When you're ready to mark:
  1. Export student submissions for the course or coursemodule, whichever is relevant. 
  2. Open the file called "passed-test-cases.csv". 
    1. Hide the first column which contains student usernames, so you don't know whose work you are marking. 
    2. Choose a row and click on one of the "anonymous marking URL" cells. (There is one URL column for each problem in the module). 
  3. This opens the "red view" in Grok - you can see the student's learning interface exactly as they see it, except:
    1. the top navigation bar is red instead of blue (to remind you that this is someone else's work). 
    2. the student username is replaced by the 8 character hash ID, so you don't know whose work you are marking. 
  4. Click through each problem and review the test case results and the submitted code. Assign points accordingly, using your judgement about the code quality and test case pass/fail information. 
  5. Once you are finished marking, you can unhide the first column to match your assigned grades to the student username.