How do I create assignments, quizzes, or exams?
In the Grok world, assignments, quizzes, and exams are just special kinds of CourseModules. For more details on the constraints of each CourseModule property, see our CourseModule info doc.
Quizzes are typically CourseModules with a specified Start, End, Close, and Show Solutions dates. They also typically have Points assigned to the problems. This ensures that:
- the quiz is not visible to students before a certain date (Start date)
- the quiz has a due date (End date)
- the quiz is not visible to students after a certain date (Close date, optional)
- no students can see the solutions before a certain date (set the Show Solutions date - if this is not set, students who solve the quiz will be able to see the solutions).
- students can receive a grade for the quiz (using the problem points)
Assignments are typically CourseModules with a specified Start, End, and Show Solutions dates and with Assignment Test Cases. This ensures that:
- the assignment is not visible to students before a certain date (Start date)
- the assignment has a due date (End date)
- the assignment is not visible to students after a certain date (Close date, optional)
- no students can see the solutions before a certain date (set the Show Solutions date - if this is not set, students who solve the assignment will be able to see the solutions).
Assignment Test Cases are used for test cases that use the auto-marking system but remain hidden from students. The intention is to create additional test cases that can be used to stratify students results and provide a more nuanced grading system than the default pass/fail system. Assignments can also be manually marked, either by viewing student submissions in the Grok interface, or by exporting student submissions. (In many cases, the "manual" marking can be automated offline by processing the student submissions CSV file using a custom scoring system).
Exams are essentially quizzes with a very specific time window in which they are available to students.
Set the Start date as the exam begin time, and both the End date and the Close date as the exam end time. When the Close date is set, the CourseModule stops being accessible to students after that date - it becomes invisible to students after the completion of the exam.
In practice, we recommend setting the End and Close date for shortly after the exam end time, to allow for exam overtime. A 30 minute buffer should be sufficient. If you are present at the exam, you can always edit the End and Close dates and set them to "now" once the exam has actually closed.