Authoring Guide

If this is your first time authoring content on Grok, you should start by reading this guide which explains the content data model used on Grok. This will introduce terminology that's used in all of our other Authoring FAQ articles.

How do I access my courses?

You can access all your courses at or click the "Admin" button from your Launchpad. 

The Content Data Model ("Courses", "Modules", and "Problems")

In terms of content delivery, there are five main concepts on Grok. The three base concepts are a Course, a Module, and a Problem. The diagram below shows how these three concepts relate to one another. The other two concepts represent the relationships between these three objects. 

Courses contain zero or more modules. 

Modules contain slides (with content) and problems. 

Modules can be  reused across many courses, and problems can be reused across many modules.

A Module belongs in a Course ("CourseModule")

Each time a module is inserted into a course, we record information about the relationship between the module and the course. This information includes the URL slug, LTI information, and releasedness dates. 

This information belongs to the CourseModule and is typically editable by Course Authors (depending on their permission level). Click the “Manage CourseModules” button on the Course authoring page to edit this information, including:

  • manage which modules are placed in your course.
  • edit the metadata associated with the CourseModule. 

A Problem belongs in a Module ("ModuleProblem")

Each time a problem is inserted into a module, we record information about the relationship between the problem and the module. This includes the slide number it appears on, and the number of points the problem is worth in that module. 

This information belongs to the ModuleProblem and is typically editable by Course Authors (depending on their permission level). Click the "ModuleProblems" button at the top of the Module authoring page to edit this information.