What assets are needed for a Course Badge Icon?

You can add badges to your course and certificates via the Author Course page.

Logo or icon formats

Course badges, which will appear around the site to users, can be either PNG or SVG.

For example:

  • my-icon.svg SVG (160 x 160)
  • my-icon@2x.png PNG (320px x 320px)

Certificate badges need to be PDF:

  • my-icon.pdf PDF (160pt x 160pt, vector, PPI not important - basically identical to the SVG)

Where does my logo appear?

Your course badge appears next to the course name on the Launchpad, on the Course Content page, and in the header bar when you are in the course itself.

Your certificate badge appears on certificates: https://author-docs.groklearning.io/article/341-course-certificates