What support does Grok provide for exams & assessments?
If you're hosting exams or other assessments on Grok, we can:
- provide priority support for the duration of your exam/assessment.
- review your exam or assessment to make sure that it's correctly configured.
- other custom support - email us!
Priority support for exams/assessments
For details on priority support periods, see our support FAQ. Email us with your exam / assessment details to request priority support for the duration of your exam/assessment.
Review for exams & assessments
We are happy to review your exam/assessment on Grok beforehand, to make sure that all the content & settings look correct.
If you'd like us to do this review, please email us with the completed exam/assessment link 5 business days prior to the exam/assessment date. (If we don't review the exam/assessment ahead of time and there's an error which disrupts students ability to complete the exam/assessment, it's hard for us to help you fix this during the exam/assessment.)